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Sunday, July 25, 2010


I am taking the Challenge ...A Fast of a Different Kind...Based on Biblical Teaching and the sermon series of Pastor Gregory Dickow... Join Me Starting August 1, 2010-September 10,2010 and Prayerfully til Eternity...on a 40 Day FAST From Wrong Thinking...

***Realize that Everything you need to be happy and have Peace and Joy in this life you already have inside of you. No one is Responsible for your happiness and Contentment in This World but you...Sometimes we get so caught up in the Negatives we forget to focus on All the Positives. Yes even Me...Ms.Sunshine, Ms. 6-cess...

Romans 2:12 And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
My Mission and yours should you choose to accept it...40 Days of Going hard
* Fasting from Negativity , Confusion and Wrong thinking...
* Believing You have GOD's Best in Every Situation..
* Focusing on GOD's Plan for Your Life...
* Using Your God given gifts and Talents...
* Letting Go of ALL Past Offenses...
* Getting rid of Distractions...
* Putting God First...
* Loving Yourself...

Getting rid of the Blessing Blockers Letting Go (fill in the names of yours {Inside the brackets}

Isaiah 43:18, the Lord says, “Do not remember former things.” Another way of saying that would be, “That was then and this is now.”

*Letting Go of - {Hurt/Offense}- but not letting the culprit off the hook for their actions...Forgiveness is given Trust is earned...

*Letting Go of - Person/People- {hurtful or negative influence}... So My Prayers will not be hindered

*Letting Go of - {ALL Vices} - even Innocent seeming ones(Ex:Too much sugar or caffeine) ... So I can Think Straight

*Letting Go of - {All Egocentric Behavior} - Pride goeth Before Destruction

Philippians 4:8
As the Apostle Paul said
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.

The mission is not to be in Denial and act like things are not happening around you, it is learning to
Redirect your focus and Channel your energies from Negative to Positive thoughts...
***Then you will automatically speak positive words... instead of saying "I'm always so Tired"...Say" I always have so much energy I give that little Energizer Bunny a run for his money" The world calls it Fake it til you Make it... The Word calls it "Calling those things which be not as though they are" same thing... But your Words follow, Your thoughts which are then Followed by your Actions... (This will be our next Mission think I'll Call it "You'd Better Watch Yo Mouth")

2 Corinthians 10:5
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

* All Negative Thoughts OUT...
* All Negative People OUT...
* NO, Naysayers, whiners ,haters, dream killers, allowed in my World...

No matter what you face Count it ALL JOY because it Could always be worse...
***If you fall off the Wagon just know that you are not alone... Start over immediately and Say Out Loud
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. "Philippians 4:13

My Plan is for 6-cess only and Doing the Dang Thing...So Lettssss Gooooo August 1, 2010-September 10,2010... 40 Day FAST From Wrong Thinking... you can do it...Start Today why Delay...

Keep It Sunny y'all....Carita Sunshine...

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